Monday, 22 October 2012

Its a date! Ten O'clock Wednesday 31 October 2012

A warm well-come to all.

You are welcome to come along with no obligations, no paper work.
To start with until numbers build up, no set format,
so if you are a little shy it maybe a good time to sample the
friendly atmosphere and make a friend.

Just walk in ask for Denny its as easy as that.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Denny's Baby (Working Tittle)

Denny is in the process of  developing a
group for like minded women,
loads of ideas, now with a little money in the funds,
Its ready to go.
Just looking for a venue, In Cheshunt or Waltham Cross .

Must be a friendly building not a pub now the tricky part
would like it to-be  
-Cheap    Inexpensive.
Have you got  
ideas  for this great opportunity
a fun resource to build  upon

Coments;  Text only to ......   

 4475  4357  6606
Looking forward to our first meeting
response has been good.


Monday, 11 June 2012

Just me and the squirrel, Peaceful

 Chairs huddle together anticipating more rain.

While out sunday on the bike, took a detour  
thought there was a slim chance
someone might be weeding, with all the rain
things are growing fast.
As it turned out there was just me and the squirrel,
 and I did not wont to spook him by getting the camera
and focusing all the attention on him. 


Friday, 4 May 2012

Dig that bike


Today was one of them great days when you catchup
 unexpectedly  with good people
you have met on the journey to recovery

Today it was  Jo,
Promoting Carers Week,  
18 - 24
  June 2012

Go on get your leg over.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Soon finished the tin

Not the picture I envisaged when I started but 
pleased how it turned out.

No relapse, only salt water and sand in the tin
not even a crab.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Monday's Art, a lighthearted meeting plenty of banter

We all know what sort of tin I was thinking of
when I started painting last night,
it was just a discarded tin on the water line, litter, detritus
just some thing spoiling the view.
then the head and hand came in
only time will tell how it ends up.

Great Expectations  helping with your  recovery.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Monday, 6 February 2012

I'm getting involved with friends setting up a new group Great Expectations

The isolation is sometimes the hardest part of our recovery
our aim is to break down some of the barriers
and hopefully  have fun